Beware of Imitations: Authentic Rain Country Blend by Boccemon - Learn More
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    How much is the Rain Country Blend?

    E-mail us with court dimensions and zip code so we can give you a quote including the freight. If you require a quote please fill out our form on the home page. 


    What is the official size of a bocce court?

    According to the U.S. Bocce Federation, official dimensions for a competition sized court is 13ft x 91ft. For recreational players, we recommend a more manageable 10ft x 60ft. This size is convenient for most yards and provides enough court to satisfy a majority of players.

    What should the perimeter be made out of?

    Depends on the desire of the court owner. Wood is most common. Cement perimeters are becoming more popular due to the increase in courts built in public spaces.Typically with concrete perimeters, wood is incorporated with the inside railings where the balls make contact (see photo above). The truer you want your bank shots the denser wood you should use. One pitch for wood in a residential application is that typically you won’t need a permit to build your court. However, consult your local building codes to verify if you can take advantage of this exemption. We built our first one in the public right of way, calling it “extensive landscaping” and no permits were required.

    What is the official court surface?

    We have searched extensively but have yet to find any documentation on this. Natural surfaces like oyster shell, stone fines, and clay have all been used in National tournaments. There is no single surface officially sanctioned by the USBF, or anyone else for that matter.  Prior to courts, people played on “dirt” for 7000 years.

    Why oyster shells?

    “Low maintenance and excellent playability” is the short answer. If you have an hour and a half, rent the 1999 video biography by Charles Winkler - Rocky Marciano, starring George C. Scott. 


    How much drainage is enough?

    This depends on the depth of surface, the amount of rainfall, and the local soil make up. We discuss this issue daily one on one with people from all over the country.

    There are three key factors to consider when designing a bocce court. Speed is good! Bounce is bad. Maintenance should be minimal. A fourth consideration ought to be drainage. To maximize the playing time on your court it must drain appropriately. A clay court would have a different drainage layout than one of oyster. If you are unsure call us at (360) 224-2909